(Chicago) – A few weeks ago, Taste of Chicago was held to supposedly showcase the best of the city in terms of dining.  However, many people are candidly unhappy with their experiences as shown in their Facebook shoutouts; loud and clear.  Sad to say, I am in agreement with them after spending 3 sweltering hours trying to find the seemingly elusive tasty bites of Chicago in this festival.

I bought $32 worth of tickets and all I got were varied mass-produced diminutive taste portions that were either dried-up, greasy, glucose-laden or overcooked. And these taste portions were not cheap; they sold for 4-6 tickets which were around $3-$4. Unbelievable! Not to mention, bottled water cost $4.

It will take me a whole day to enumerate my rants about the event but I truly believe that this festival misrepresents Chicago in many ways. Don

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