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New Orleans

New Orlean’s Mother’s

(New Orleans) - Actually, I came here for the bread pudding. But we were 45 minutes early before they served the first batch of their freshly baked pudding that most food bloggers...

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K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen

(New Orleans) – Living in Atlanta for many years exposed me to many different flavors of Southern food. Yes, there are more to it than fried chicken...

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Boudin? What?

(New Orleans) – Boudin simply means sausage. That’s how they call it in New Orleans which as most of you know already, has some French historical past. But their boudin is not like our Filipino longganisa or Polish sausage. Louisiana […]

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Beignet. Doughnut. Donut.

(New Orleans) – I was not a fan of the ubiquitous Dunkin Donuts when I was growing up in Manila. I never liked those techni-color glazing and candy bits sprinkled on top. However, I still love donuts – those that […]

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