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Goto King (2nd Level Eastwood City Mall)

They are king when it comes to congee particularly goto. One of the many Pinoys' favorite snacks.

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Pan de Manila (2nd Level Eastwood City Mall)

It's a modern-day panaderia which sells big pandesals (among other breads) and anything that goes well with it.

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Mang Inasal (Eastwood Cybermall)

Mang Inasal barbecue endeavors to adhere to elements that bear a distinctively Pinoy stamp: grilling with charcoal, rice wrapped in banana leaves, a marinade concocted out of local spices and herbs, bamboo sticks for skewers, and the ambience that encourages kinamot (the Ilonggo term in eating with the hands) whenever chicken barbecue is served. That's inasal in a nutshell.

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Sérye Café Filipino (Eastwood City Walk)

The name “Sérye“ is actually a play on the letters of the family name, R-E-Y-E-S. Named after the family, it endeavors to uphold their culinary tradition: crispy pata, honey-style fried chicken and barbeques.

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Kuwago’s Island Grill (2nd Level Eastwood City Walk)

Serves authentic Filipino cuisine and booze with a live band to suite your music craving.

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Rufo’s Famous Tapa (Eastwood City)

Rufo's serves delicious, affordable and freshly-cooked tapa and other silog meals 24/7.

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Crave Night Market at the Piazza Gardens

Street food and tiangge at affordable prices at the beautiful Venice Piazza in McKinley Hill.

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